Renault R5 Turbo Workshop Manuals,
and Other Printed Material

Also check out our market place page. We're
listing everything that we have in our workshop for R5 Turbo. We accept
- copy of the original French Workshop Manual. M.R. 221. Specifications,
data, diagrams, French text. $40.00
- English translation of the French text only, from the Workshop
Manual. Diagrams, specifications, data, etc. are not duplicated. $25.00
- copy of the complete Spare Parts Catalog for Turbo(1) and Turbo 2. P.R.
1073, R8220. $40.00
- copy of the Turbo (!) Owners manual. Black and white copy, only.
French. $10.00
- copy of the Turbo 2 Owners manual. Black & white copy, only, w/
English translation of text. $10.00
- copy of the Renault Sport instruction / technical manual for installing the 180 and 200
CV kits. Notice de Montage. Notice RSp 23. In French only. 17 pages.
- copy of Renault Sport installation / technical manual for 250 cv kit. 121 pages + wiring
diagram. $75.00
- We have copies of every catalog for every version of Renault Sport R5 Turbo. Maxi 5,
Tour de Corse, Cevennes, etc. We will organize the list and post it on this page.
We have a few of the R5 Turbo poster done by Rick McBride in 1986.
The cost is $35.00 for one, including mailing tube and postage (within US). International
add $15.00 - Photo
1987 AMC Calendar w/ R5 Turbo 2 and Alpine - $15.00
- 1985 Road and Track Calendar w/ R5 Turbo 2 - $25.00
- If you have Renault R5 Turbo stuff that you want to sell, trade, give away or are
looking for something please let us know.
Available back issues of magazines w/ articles and road tests on R5 Turbo; collection
of magazine reprints; collection of back issues of club newsletters;
